20 octubre, 2007

New Life for Tsavo National Park

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anyuska <iratxeyana@euskalnet.net>
Date: 20-oct-2007 17:17
Subject: New Life for Tsavo National Park
To: iratxeyana@euskalnet.net

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Fred O'Regan, IFAW [mailto:mailto:fred@ifaw1.org]
Enviado el: viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007 14:33
Para: Ana Maria Sanchez
Asunto: New Life for Tsavo National Park

New Life for Tsavo National Park
Rescuing Animals from Disasters Around the World
Marine Research and Education

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International Fund for Animal Welfare October 2007A Better World for Animals and People
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IFAW News — Our Shared World

New Life for Tsavo National Park

IFAW selected for LUSH Cosmetics Charity Pot
IFAW is one of eight charities that were hand-picked to benefit from LUSH Handmade Cosmetics' new Charity Pot Hand and Body Lotion. All proceeds from sales of the Charity Pot will be divided among eight charities working in animal protection, environmental conservation, and humanitarian causes. In particular, the Charity Pot proceeds will go towards IFAW's work to end the commercial seal hunt.
Mock-up of IFAW's Charity Pot lid
The lid reads, "Since 1969, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has actively campaigned against Canada's commercial seal hunt – the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. Our staff is committed to educating the public and world leaders about the inherent cruelty and unsustainability associated with this internationally offensive hunt"

At 8,100 square miles the Tsavo National Park ecosystem is the largest conservation area in Kenya. Tsavo was home to between 36,000 and 40,000 elephants in the 1970s, but rampant poaching in the 80s and 90s reduced this number to 11,000. The population has been rising lately as security and infrastructure have improved.

But in May 2007, three wildlife rangers were killed in a pre-dawn shoot-out with a gang of poachers en route to Tsavo. In July, seven elephants were brutally killed in the park and later that month Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rangers arrested seven Tanzanian professional hunters illegally hunting in Tsavo West.

KWS needs our help to restore Tsavo National Park to its former place as the crown jewel of Kenyan wildlife habitat. Two years ago, IFAW made a five-year, US$1.25 million commitment to help the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) rehabilitate Tsavo National Park.

A similar IFAW-KWS partnership in the 1990s succeeded in resurrecting Meru National Park from near ruin to become one of the most promising tourist destinations in East Africa today.

Using Meru as a model, IFAW will help protect Tsavo's elephant population and improve basic park operations, infrastructure, law enforcement, scientific research opportunities and community education.

Learn more about Tsavo National Park

Rescuing Animals from Disasters Around the World

An Asian rhinoceros in a flood in India
IFAW emergency responders help a young cow in Sulewesi
Dr. Rodolfo Silva washes an oiled penguin in Uruguay

In July, August and September, IFAW sent Emergency Relief teams to help rescue animals in India, Indonesia, Uruguay, Greece and Mexico.

Assam, India

Up to 500,000 people and thousands of wild and domestic animals were affected by floods in India's northeastern state of Assam. IFAW and our partner, Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), mobilized teams to aid animals from our base at the Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC). The team also set up a temporary camp near Manas National Park to help the large numbers of livestock. Over 10 days, thousands of farm animals, especially cows, were fed, vaccinated and treated for injuries and illnesses. Vaccinations not only help ensure the health of cows, pigs, buffalo and goats, but also help contain infectious diseases that are common after floods.

Sulewesi, Indonesia

On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, IFAW worked with the Center for Animal Rescue and Education to conduct vaccination and de-worming campaigns and to provide food and vitamins to thousands of heads of cattle and other farm animals in the Toili region, devastated by floods and mudslides.

Maldonado, Uruguay

Hundreds of oil-covered Magellanic penguins surfaced off the Atlantic coast of South America in late July. In an effort to rescue these birds, IFAW's Rodolfo Silva and José Maria Barredo assisted the Society for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Maldonado, a local group. To date, about 40 penguins have been washed and released. Oil from accidental spills and deliberate, illegal discharges from ships have created a chronic oiling problem for seabirds across South America and other parts of the world.

Peleponese region, Greece

Following the devastating fires in Greece, IFAW sent a small team to assess where IFAW can be most helpful. The team travelled with local rescue groups, offering assistance and letting them know that they can count on IFAW for support.

Chetumal, Mexico

IFAW deployed two staff members to join up with existing staff on the ground in Chetumal, Mexico in an effort to assess the extent of the damage wrought by Hurricane Dean.

Read more about IFAW's rescue efforts worldwide

Marine Research and Education

Song of the Whale sighted endangered Mediterranean monk seals along Turkey's Teke peninsula

Between May and October 2007, scientists aboard IFAW's research vessel, Song of the Whale, studied sperm whales and other cetaceans in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as part of an ongoing collaboration among IFAW, local research groups and ACCOBAMS, an agreement on the conservation of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Sixteen government representatives and scientists from Malta, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Libya worked as interns alongside IFAW scientists. Sightings include rough-toothed and Risso's dolphins and false killer whales, species not often recorded in the area, and endangered Mediterranean monk seals. Outreach activities have taken place in Malta, Egypt and Greece, with events planned in Libya for October.

In July, IFAW launched "The Whale Show" in South Africa, a conservation and awareness initiative developed by cetacean specialist and artist Noel Ashton. A 25-minute audio-visual presentation will be screened daily until February 2008 at the Whale Museum in Hermanus, noted as the world's best land-based whale watching destination.

Follow the research journeys of Song of the Whale

IFAW © 2007 This message was sent to: iratxeyana@euskalnet.net

All gifts to IFAW represent a contribution to IFAW's entire mission. Donations will be used where they are most needed to help animals.

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