25 febrero, 2008

Save a whale's life

From: WSPA - World Society for the Protection of Animals <WSPA_80933@dotmailer.co.uk>
Date: 06-nov-2006 12:43
Subject: Save a whale's life

Bid on ebay

November 2006


Dear Supporter,whale

Thank you for signing WSPA's petition to urge the Icelandic government to end whaling. Every single name counts and you have made our campaign stronger.

To date, over 9,000 people have added their names. Around 9,130 of you want to see Iceland supporting ecotourism instead of whaling, and 9,160 of you are refusing to buy Icelandic goods or visit the country while whaling continues.

Putting on the pressure

On 2nd November, WSPA took the signatures gathered so far to a meeting with the Iceland Ambassador in the UK, where we stated our opposition to the cruelty of whaling.

Next on the agenda are meetings at the Icelandic Embassies in Canada and Denmark on 8th November, where we will again show just how many of you oppose whaling.

Bid for a whale's life on eBaywhale

In a stand against Iceland's continuing hunt, WSPA has started an eBay auction to bid for a whale's life. We want to offer the Icelandic government the market value of one fin whale in return for its life being spared.

Going by estimated market value of the meat, an endangered fin whale would fetch around £95,000 in Iceland. And to spare its life we need you to help us raise it.

500 people made a bid in the first 24 hours of the auction - please add your bid for a whale's life on eBay right now.

The more £10 donations you make, the more whales we can try to save. Bid now >>

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WSPA is the leading international federation of animal welfare organisations working to achieve a world where animal welfare matters, and animal cruelty ends.

WSPA , 89 Albert Embankment, London , SE1 7TP , United Kingdom.
Main switchboard: +44 (0)20 7587 5000 I Fax: +44 (0)20 7793 0208 I E-mail:mailto:wspa@wspa.org.uk I Website: http://dotm1.net/t.aspx?l=257138&i=73484216



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