19 diciembre, 2008

Advocate for the Poor at the World Economic Forum

From: Samer, Care2 Action Alerts
Date: 16-dic-2008 15:12
Subject: Advocate for the Poor at the World Economic Forum

Care2 subscriber since Nov 15, 2008
care2 petitionsite actionAlert

Hi Juancarlos,

In January, the world's economic leaders will gather for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009 to discuss the current financial crisis and ways to mitigate its effects. This conference is a powerful opportunity to advocate for the needs of those most hard hit by this situation -- the global poor.

To this end, please tell the Forum's Co-Chairs to promote and prioritize microfinance at the conference through their speeches and sessions. »

Microfinance gives the world's poor the tools and resources they need to work their way out of poverty and improve their lives. But more can be done to ensure that microfinance reaches the estimated 500 million more people who could benefit from it.

Times of crisis are also times of remarkable potential for change. Please join us in urging the Co-Chairs to advance the benefits of financial inclusion for the world's poor. »

Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/Ad.pO/yBpI/AuEM1

Thanks for taking action!


Microfinance Helps People Work Their Way Out of Poverty
Microfinace Reduces Poverty
Take Action!

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