04 octubre, 2007

Stand with the people of Burma as crackdown continues

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From: Rosa D., Care2 Action Alerts <actionalerts@care2.com>
Date: 04-oct-2007 19:21
Subject: Stand with the people of Burma as crackdown continues
To: biciklanto

Care2 Action Alert: Act Now to Protect the Endangered Species Act

Speak Out: Stand With The People Of Burma
Speak Out: Stand With The People Of Burma

Let Myanmar's government know the world is watching. Urge the United Nations to take urgent steps to protect monks, activists and innocent civilians from further abuses.
Click Here to Sign the Petition

Dear Juancarlos,

Yesterday, Myanmar's military junta continued a violent crackdown on its own people. Just a few hours after the departure of a U.N. envoy, soldiers went through homes looking for monks, and at least eight truckloads of prisoners were hauled out of Yangon, Burma's biggest city.

We cannot let the violence go on.

We need to act now to protect monks, activists and innocent civilians from further abuses and to support them in their struggle for freedom »

Myanmar has an appalling human rights record. Thousands of political prisoners are detained in deteriorating prison conditions and the use of child soldiers, forced labor, and torture are common.

The recent violence has shown the world the extent of Myanmar's brutal crimes. Urge the United Nations to take urgent steps to get Myanmar's junta to stop the crackdown.

Sign this petition and stand with the people of Burma »

Thank you for speaking out on their behalf.

From Care2
Care2 and the Petition Site Team.

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